Equivalent dose is a dose quantity H representing the stochastic health effects of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body which represents the probability of radiation-induced cancer and genetic damage. It is derived from the physical quantity absorbed dose, but also takes into account the biological effectiveness of the radiation, which is dependent on the radiation type and energy.


In RADIOTHERAPY, radiation dosage is expressed in gray units (Gy). dose (Gy) and quality factor (a function of linear energy transfer), and is called radiation 

qual·i·ty fac·tor (QF), a factor by which absorbed radiation doses are multiplied to obtain, for radiation protection purposes, a quantity that expresses the approximate biologic effectiveness of the absorbed dose. Compare: RBE, relative biologic effectiveness. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 The absorbed dose of specific types of radiation is multiplied by a "quality factor" to arrive at the dose equivalent. The SI unit is the sievert (SV), but the rem is commonly used. Rem is an acronym for "roentgen equivalent in man." One rem is equivalent to 0.01 SV. When exposed to X- or Gamma radiation, the quality factor is 1.

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The numerical values indicated above are valid legal EU-regulations for calculating the equivalent dose Measure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely in an organ or tissue. However, the quality factor is not denned, apart from indicating its dependence on linear energy transfer, and there is an apparent uncertainty relating to the dimensions of the dose equivalent. Criticism of the definitions has already appeared from some quarters. Quality factor (Q): The factor by which the absorbed dose (rad or gray) must be multiplied to obtain a quantity that expresses, on a common scale for all ionizing radiation, the biological damage (rem or sievert) to the exposed tissue. 2018-09-28 · The quality factor is used to account for the increased effectiveness of radiations of high linear energy transfer (LET), compared to the effectiveness of low-LET γ-rays derived from epidemiological studies of the atomic-bomb survivors.

(in Russian) Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Zielczynski, M Publication Date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1970 Research Org.: Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland) OSTI Identifier: 4028195 Report Number(s): INR-1174 NSA Number: The absorbed dose of specific types of radiation is multiplied by a "quality factor" to arrive at the dose equivalent.

Both the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) have recommended that the radiation quality weighting factor for neutrons (Q{sub n}, or the corresponding new modifying factor, w{sub R}) be increased by a value of two for most radiation protection practices.

This Report is the report of a joint task group of the ICRU and the International  introduced between the “quality factor” Q(L) for use with the quantity “dose equivalent”, the quantity to be measured in radiation protection dosimetry [4], and the  Oct 14, 2008 Quality Factors and Absorbed Dose Equivalencies. Type of radiation, Quality factor (Q), Absorbed dose equal to a unit dose equivalent.

Radiation quality is described by the RBE (relative biological effectiveness) that Quality factor relations have been optimized for different neutron energies, 

Quality factor radiation

Abstract: This research investigates the correlation in reduction of quality factor of a reverberant cavity  A quality factor to quantitatively compare the dosimetry of Gamma Knife radiosurgery and intensity-modulated radiation therapy as a function of target volume  ICRU Report 40, The Quality Factor in Radiation Protection.

However, the quality factor is not denned, apart from indicating its dependence on linear energy transfer, and there is an apparent uncertainty relating to the dimensions of the dose equivalent. Criticism of the definitions has already appeared from some quarters. The quality factor, Q(L), used to be the universal weighting factor to account for radiation quality, until—in its 1991 Recommendations—the ICRP estab We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website.By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. sizes. The radiation quality factor Q is an important measure and research topic in electrically small antenna field.
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Quality factor radiation

The Se hela listan på en.wikipedia.org Quality factor The factor by which the absorbed dose (rad or gray) must be multiplied to obtain a quantity that expresses, on a common scale for all ionizing radiation, the biological damage (rem or sievert) to the exposed tissue. Se hela listan på electronics-notes.com QUALITY FACTOR OF RADIATION. (in Russian) Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Zielczynski, M Publication Date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1970 Research Org.: 2002-01-01 · GCR Quality or Dose-Averaged Weighting Factor Versus Aluminum Depth 1e Again here we see the dramatic increase in the absorbed dose modification factor generated using the radiation weighting factors relative to the quality factor.

(in Russian) Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Zielczynski, M Publication Date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1970 Research Org.: Inst. of Nuclear Research, Swierk, Poland OSTI Identifier: 4739234 NSA Number: NSA-25-058005 2018-09-28 1990-08-01 2019-08-01 Radiation Energy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics weighting factor See tissue weighting factor. WR in accordance with Euratom basic standards 1996.
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2018-09-28 · The quality factor is used to account for the increased effectiveness of radiations of high linear energy transfer (LET), compared to the effectiveness of low-LET γ-rays derived from epidemiological studies of the atomic-bomb survivors.

from the deduced value of the tidal quality factor, Q, which the authors calculate as 2.5 x 105. 3.3 μH Semi-Shielded 2A Idc Q:10 SRN4018TA-3R3M or other Wire-Wound Surface Mount Inductors online These inductors provide effective magnetic shielding with lower radiation compared to unshielded Minimum Quality Factor, 10. chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and endocrine therapies, which introduce a and high quality.

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Currently, the quality factor for alpha is 20 (multiply rad of alpha radiation by 20 to get rem). We say “currently” because the quality factor for alpha radiation has changed over the years. The current quality factor generally used for neutrons is 10.

Weighting Factors for Respective IREP. Input Neutron Energy  1 Apr 2016 The pioneering work is the equivalent circuit method of Chu [21], in which the radiation and energy storage are represented by resistive and  radiation weighting factor WR instead of the dose equivalent con- cept with the quality factor Q(L) has many consequences. The value of WR is defined by the  1 curie = 3.7x1010 radioactive decays per second [exactly]. This effect can be represented, in rough overall terms, by a quality factor, Q. Over a wide range of  For radiation types and energies not listed in the Table above, the following relationships are used to calculate a weighting factor. [ICRP, 1991]. Q = 1.0.

The quality factor or Q factor is a measure of the performance of a coil, capacitor inductor in terms of its losses and resonator bandwidth. Simple formulas can relate 

the roentgen b. the rad c. the rem d. quality factor e.

This means an increase in the recommended value for Q 2018-09-28 · The quality factor is used to account for the increased effectiveness of radiations of high linear energy transfer (LET), compared to the effectiveness of low-LET γ-rays derived from epidemiological studies of the atomic-bomb survivors.